custom questions

You write the 10 personalised questions yourself or with the group.

Don't panic, we'll explain how to do it. This little effort will add a dose of fun and make the event all the more unique and memorable for your team!

Make use of our space after the quiz with your students (optional)

Most of our centres have a room or space where you can bring your students together for a snack or play games or hold a presentation. A great way to finish off the school year with your favourite students.

Choose a caterer or special menu (optional)

Most of our centres work in partnership with quality local caterers to offer you a selection of catering packages along with  non-alcoholic drinks, for all budgets, all tastes and lunch, light snack, tea time etc.).

Your students will be delighted to share moments together after their Quiz Room experience to talk about those questions that got away.

You’ll see a new level of inspiration in your students.  Ask for the catering and drinks brochure when you request a quote!

contact us

you ask a lot of questions!

Why Quiz Room for your extracurricular activities ?

This activity must be adapted and chosen according to your child's tastes, but also according to what you want to develop in him/her. A game in the form of a quiz is a great example of an extracurricular activity for teens!  There’s even a French version! During the school vacations, entertain your children with a special immersive quiz at Quiz Room.

The ultimate aim when thinking of extracurricular activity examples is your child’s development. Seeing your child with a huge smile on their face as they go to join their group in their free time is a thing of beauty!